On a daily basis thousands of Australian workers are required to wear the appropriate respiratory equipment and in various styles or configurations. AJ Safety have selected and stock trusted brands of respiratory protection to support all worker and job requirements. The risk of inhaling harmful particles, vapours, fumes and gases is very high in many industries therefore placing workers at risk.
The appropriate solution ensures compliance, comfort and enhanced work productivity. Choose from a wide range of respiratory protection based on rating, convenience, effectiveness and comfort.
Respiratory protection is divided into two main groups, either purifying the air by the removal of contaminants from the air or supplying clean breathable air from an alternate source.
A site risk assessment identifies the appropriate respiratory protection required and if your work environment is such that the levels of oxygen may be compromised, then there are multiple respiratory device styles and configurations available.
Continuous exposure to polluted air can potentially lead to long term and lasting health complications. Such occupational health issues could potentially lead to various types of cancer. Cancers are those that occur due to exposure to carcinogenic (cancer-causing) agents in the workplace. Such exposures include:
Occupational exposures to carcinogens are estimated to cause over 5000 new cases of cancer in Australia each year.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified over 165 cancer-causing agents that workers are potentially being exposed to in their workplace. A study in 2012 considered 38 of these agents of high priority and specific to Australian workplaces. (Source: Occupational exposures to carcinogens in Australia – Occupational Exposures to Carcinogens in Australia monograph, page 3).
Occupational groups where exposure was greatest included farmers, drivers, miners and transport workers. Exposures reported for men compared to those reported for women showed that a much higher proportion of males were exposed to one or more carcinogens at work, particularly those who hold a trade and are residing in regional areas. (Source: Workplace cancer: “Reduce the cancer risks for you and your workers”- Cancer Council of Australia)
AJ Safety’s respiratory range starts from basic disposable protection to specialised respiratory equipment, including gas and particle filters for respiratory safety masks. The various stocked options include disposable particulate (dust), filters, carbon respirators, reusable silicon half or full mask and PAPR – powered air purifying respirators. Available online or instore a range of protection levels including P1, P2, N95 and P3, valved and unvalved, along with a range of replacement filter cartridges for the half mask or full mask respirators. Therefore providing you with peace of mind and not being concerned about breathing in hazardous, dusty, smoky or gaseous by-products in the most challenging job sites.
AJ Safety stocks a diverse range of respirators from Pro Choice, 3M, Uvex and Maxisafe.
So when sourcing respiratory protection, please consider AJ Safety.
If you need any further assistance selecting the right product or solution then feel free to contact us to speak with one of our friendly staff. Either shop online www.ajsafety.com.au or call us on Ph: 02 9894 5086.
AJ Safety…..”Protecting you from head to Toe”